The Time of the Eleventh is Over, Long Live the Twelfth

Well its happened, the clock has struck twelve, Silence fell and the time of the Eleventh is over. The Time of the Doctor may not have been what all Doctor Who fans hoped for, but I feel it was fitting end to Matt Smith’s time as the renegade Time Lord. There were a lot of loose ends that needed to be tied up and Steven Moffat did it beautifully.

Going into the 2013 Christmas special, Steven Moffat had a lot to do, such as figuring out how the Doctor ended up on Trenzalore, why “silence will fall,” and how to get around those pesky regeneration restrictions. It’s like Moffat enjoys creating problems just so he can to solve them later. Some may think that Moffat created a simple solutions to all these questions but his method was actually quite clever, and it cleans the slate rather nicely for Peter Capaldi to step into the Doctor’s shoes.


Here is a list of all the loose ends that were wrapped up in The Time of the Doctor:

  • The cracks in the Universe are the Time Lords trying to get out of the pocket universe and back into ours.
  • Madame Kovarian’s sect of the Papal Mainframe  blew up the TARDIS to prevent The Doctor from ever reaching Trenzalore.
  • “Silence Will Fall” is the promise made by the non-Kovarian sect to not let the Doctor speak his name, as it would bring back the Time Lords and relaunch the Time War with the Daleks.
  • The Silence are priests of the Papal Mainframe, and are genetically designed to make confessors forget once they have confessed.